Basics of Java Pt.1

Basics of Java

There are things to remember when using Java and when writing code.
  •        Keywords
  •     What is an object?

In Java programming, keywords are reserved words that have predefined meaning in the language. Programmers cannot use keywords as name for variables, methods, classes, or as any other identifier. For example keywords are: abstract, assert, Boolean, break, byte, case, class, do, final, do and etc.

What is an object?
Objects are key to understanding object-oriented technology. Look around right now and you'll find many examples of real-world objects: box, dog, bicycle, computer and etc.
Real-world objects share two characteristics: they all have attributes and behavior. For example a dog
Attributes would be black, blue eyes, big, long tail, paws and etc.
Behaviors would be barks, run, eat, sleep and etc.

When we start coding, we assign objects with keyword class basically name of object. For example;
Public class cube {
  •         Then “cube” is the name of the object

Remember we can’t use keywords as objects like
 Public class class{

  •         This will you give you any error


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